更新时间:2024-05-13 01:36:07
BI 商务智能
业务数据分析的类型 数据分析技术的发展可分成报表查询、在线分析处理(OLAP)和数据挖掘3个阶段。 * 共56页 OLAP Statistical Analysis Standard Query Reporting DM Increasing Complexity Increasing # of users * Traditional querying and reporting and also multidimensional data analysis can only be used to figure out what is happening. Discovery mode information processing is particularly useful when investigating what goes on in the business or in the surrounding business environment, trying to understand why things are happening the way they do (behavior of customers, suppliers, the market) and to come up with actionable recommendations or explanations. What has been discovered this way can then become part of the management’s means for prediction, planning, and forecasting.