更新时间:2017-08-21 03:51:11
IBM存储模拟器V10.5 To run the Demo, double-click the file called Start_Demo.bat. Note: If the Demo does not start, be sure that the Demo Configuration Editor is not running and there are not any other demos running. If you copied the demo package directory, make sure the DSSM_1050_V3_pkg.jar, jhall.jar, and the JRE directory were all copied. After the Demo has started, the user may wish to interact with the simulator through the Command Line Interface. To start the CLI, run SMcliDSSM_1050_V3_pkg.bat in a terminal window after the Simulator/Demo has loaded. To connect, and example command would be: SMcliDSSM_1050_V3_pkg.bat localhost (note: the SMcliDSSM_1050_V3_pkg.bat has a 10 parameter restriction on the initial call, linux .sh file has no such restriction)