
时间:2024-06-23 14:43:25




更新时间:2024-06-23 14:43:25


报表 18.2 预测人体吸入氧气的效率 The SAS System Stepwise Procedure for Dependent Variable OXY Step 1 Variable RUNTIME Entered R-square = 0.74338010 C(p) = 15.52440481 DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F Regression 1 632.90009985 632.90009985 84.01 0.0001 Error 29 218.48144499 7.53384293 Total 30 851.38154484 Parameter Standard Type II Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F INTERCEP 82.42177268 3.85530378 3443.36654076 457.05 0.0001 RUNTIME -3.31055536 0.36119485 632.90009985 84.01 0.0001 Bounds on condition number: 1, 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Step 2 Variable AGE Entered R-square = 0.77019043 C(p) = 13.08167294 DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Prob>F Regression 2 655.72592146 327.86296073 46.92 0.0001 Error 28 195.65562338 6.98770084 Total 30 851.38154484 Parameter Standard Type II Variable Estimate Error Sum of Squares F Prob>F INTERCEP 89.17681435 5.26828724 2002.16248393 286.53 0.0001 AGE -0.16474787 0.09115358 22.82582161 3.27 0.0815
