更新时间:2024-05-13 02:07:22
生产计划与生产控制(PP) Client / Server ABAP/4 R/3 FI CO WF AM PS IS HR SD MM PP PM QM PP - MPS 主生产计划 PP - MRP 物料需求计划 PP - CRP 能力需求计划 PP - SFC 车间生产控制 PP - PC 生产成本核算 PP - IS 生产信息系统 PP-Master Data 基础数据管理 PP - PI 流程生产管理 PP - DM 需求预测管理 * The positioning of the PP-PI application within R/3 PP-PI is part of the standard R/3 solution. It is a subcomponent of the PP (Production Planning) module . It is not an industry solution like R/3 Retail. PP-PI is one module supporting process planning. PP-PI however, differs from the other subcomponents of PP (MPS, MRP...) in the fact that companies must purchase PP-PI separately. All other subcomponents are included in the PP price.