
时间:2021-04-23 08:20:42
更新时间:2021-04-23 08:20:42
ERP 现金管理 金融投资 财务会计(FI) 应付账款 应收账款 总分类帐 法定合并 财务信息系统 特殊分类帐 付款 收款 银行帐 应付帐款 资产管理 * SAP的财务系统中的每个应用软件,都基与统一的数据结构. 每项业务交易处理都具有高度的系统集成性, 这保证了总分类账与子分类账等会计帐目的自动更新 The SAP Financial Accounting system is a multi-ledger system. Accounts payable, accounts receivable and the general ledger are nevertheless viewed as a single block. Vendor invoices are automatically transferred to several ledgers, such as cash management. As far as functionality is concerned, the SAP system offers accounts receivable with integrated credit management and financial information systems, accounts payable with integrated invoice verification, a general ledger, and components for consolidation, currency hedging and cash management.
