lazarus 中可用的indy10.2.0.3

时间:2016-01-24 02:54:47

文件名称:lazarus 中可用的indy10.2.0.3



更新时间:2016-01-24 02:54:47

lazarus indy indy10

已在Debian6.06中安装lazarus 的indy组件包 已在Debian6.06中安装lazarus 的indy组件包,用的是indy。 安装过程:Version installed on Lazarus 1.04 using component indy- * Unzip the component from file tar.gz (must be this file, the "zip file" does not work) in directory $(LazarusDir)\\components; * Go to directory $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\ and to create inside them a directory named "saved"; * Copy the content of the directory $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\lazarus\\ to directory "saved" created above; * Copy the content of directory $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\fpc\\ to directory $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\lazarus, and rewrite all files, ok; * Get the content of directory "saved" and copy inside of $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\lazarus and you can delete "saved" directory now; * Install the package laz.lpk (available in $(LazarusDir)\\components\\indy-\\lazarus\\indy) of conventional way. On LINUX the path is: /usr/lib/lazarus/components/indy- 将文件直接解压至lazarus的安装目录,/usr/share/lazarus/1.0.4/components/下,直接编译安装,已经能够正确编程。


  • 好用,已经安装成功,谢谢!
  • 我也安装出错,怎么回事?但是还是支持,有知道怎么安装的可以M我
  • 试了一下,可以使用
  • 一般吧,比较老的版本了
  • 安装失败。在编译的过程中报错,不知道是我哪里操作不正确?或者是配置不正确?反正最终无果。
  • 在wince下不成功。还是支持
  • 已经安装成功,可以使用。