
时间:2015-11-11 03:48:23




更新时间:2015-11-11 03:48:23

.NET 优化

Maximizing the performance of your algorithms and applications is extremely important and can give you a competitive advantage, a lower cost of ownership, and happier users. Pro .NET Performance explains the internals of Windows, the CLR, and the physical hardware that affect the performance of your applications, and gives you the knowledge and tools to measure how your code performs in isolation from external factors. The book is full of C# code samples and tips to help you squeeze every bit of juice from your application—lower memory utilization, consistent CPU usage, and fewer I/O operations across the network and disk. Pro .NET Performance will change the way you think about .NET application development. Guides you through performance measurement with a variety of profilers and other tools Explains how OS and CLR internals affect your application’s performance in unexpected ways Provides you with tips and real-life case studies for improving application performance What you’ll learn Measure your code’s performance with profilers and other tools. Understand where the bottlenecks are and focus on the right area for performance improvement. Manage memory efficiently by interacting properly with the garbage collector. Avoid common pitfalls by choosing the right abstractions. Understand the performance implications of the underlying operating system and runtime. Improve the performance of your applications by parallelization, caching, micro-optimization, and other techniques.


  • 这是Apress的一本好书呀,清晰易懂易上手
  • 挺不错的资料,谢谢分享.
  • 谢谢分享,这些资料太有用了
  • 好书,优化代码是很重要的事情,看了这本书,心里有谱了。感谢分享!
  • 看是不错,还没来及看,忙完马上看
  • 下载失败后几次后下载提示输入验证码,输入后无论如何下载不了,是不是bug?
  • 以后需要好好优化下程序!
  • 老赵一直推荐引进的。怎们还没引进啊
  • 英文文字版,很清晰
  • 好书,不可多得
  • 确实好用,是英文版
  • 非常不错的资料,谢谢分享!
  • .net 优化相关的,还没来得及看
  • The book has an in-depth explanation of .net preformance troubleshooting and tuning. I will recommend this book to others.
  • 确实好用,是英文版