更新时间:2024-05-15 23:38:38
数字化工厂 先进制造 智能制造 两化融合
“数字化工厂”软件在全球汽车行业的应用 AUDI COMAU ABB Kolton Bar HMS MSX JS McNamara COMAU Germany FAW一汽集团 EDAG COMAU ITALY 一汽大众 SAIC 上海汽车工业集团 Suppliers Now let’s look at the whole manufacturing extended enterprise where you may be managing many production facilities or suppliers. Every Global manufacturer has a sophisticated network of suppliers and partners. As each new product is introduced - commonly called NPI - New Product Introduction - there is a need to more aggressively collaborate with members of the virtual enterprise. We hear our customers talk about the business requirement to manufacture this same product globally, which they refer to as TPI – Transfer Product Introduction. A critical component of TPI is the ability to qualify processes at a master plant and then distribute those qualified processes, with necessary modifications, worldwide. This can be caused by a number of reasons including more volume needed, shortage of labor, local economic or military reasons, under-utilization of other facilities. For example, with more effective TPI, it is reasonable to assume that Sony could have captured more market share with PlayStation 2. Instead, they are now competing with Nintendo and Microsoft, because they could not ramp their volume quickly enough last Christmas season.