C# wpf 多线程

时间:2019-02-24 11:59:09
文件名称:C# wpf 多线程
更新时间:2019-02-24 11:59:09
wpf多线程 The CSWPFThreading sample project illustrates two WPF threading models. The first one divides a long-running process into many snippets of workitems. Then the dispather of WPF will pick up the workitems one by one from the queue by their priority. The background workitem does not affect the UI * operation, so it just looks like the background workitem is processed by * another thread. But actually, all of them are executed in the same thread. * This trick is very useful if you want single threaded GUI application, and * also want to keep the GUI responsive when doing expensive operations in * the UI thread.
