Behavioral features of the mentally retarded adolescent; Implications for mainstream educators

时间:2024-07-19 11:49:35

文件名称:Behavioral features of the mentally retarded adolescent; Implications for mainstream educators



更新时间:2024-07-19 11:49:35

学术 论文

Behavioral features of the mentally retarded adolescent; Implications for mainstream educators Prq'cholog., in the Srhoolr 1982. I!?, 98-10.5 BEHAVIORAL FEATURES O F THE MENTALLY RETARDED ADOLESCENT; IMPLICATIONS FOR MAINSTREAM EDUCATORS PATRICK J . SCHLOSS A N D ROBERT A . SEDLAK Soulhern Illinois Universily-Carbondale The present paper presents current psychological and educational literature associated with the behavioral characteristics of the mentally retarded adolescent. E
