铅 (II) 与 2-吡啶基甲醇和吡啶-2, 6-二甲醇复合物中糖精的不同配位模式 - 合成、光谱和结构表征

时间:2021-06-29 19:24:02
文件名称:铅 (II) 与 2-吡啶基甲醇和吡啶-2, 6-二甲醇复合物中糖精的不同配位模式 - 合成、光谱和结构表征
更新时间:2021-06-29 19:24:02
学术 论文 Different Coordination Modes of Saccharin in the Complexes of Lead(II) with 2-Pyridylmethanol and Pyridine-2, 6-dimethanol - Synthesis, Spectral and Structural Characterization Different Coordination Modes of Saccharin in the Complexes of Lead(II) with 2-Pyridylmethanol and Pyridine-2,6-dimethanol � Synthesis, Spectral and Structural Characterization Veysel T. Yilmaza,*, Serkan Guneya, Carsten Thöneb a Kurupelit, Samsun/Turkey, Ondokuz Mayis University, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Ar
