Best Practices For Oracle Database 10g Backup And Recovery

时间:2012-12-16 23:43:03

文件名称:Best Practices For Oracle Database 10g Backup And Recovery



更新时间:2012-12-16 23:43:03

oracle, best practice, backup, recovery

A well-developed database protection plan is essential to any DBA’s survival toolkit. The plan should minimally cover the ‘what and how’ in backing up critical data to local disk, onsite/offsite tape, or other tertiary storage: • What? -- what are the recovery time objectives (RTO), recovery point objectives (RPO), and backup retention policies • How? – how to apply best practices to optimally backup and recover the database. It is also imperative to include tested, documented procedures for restoring and recovering the data, in scenarios that can range from minor corruption to full scale site disaster.
