liblogger C/C++日志框架

时间:2014-12-30 06:10:58
文件名称:liblogger C/C++日志框架
更新时间:2014-12-30 06:10:58
liblogger liblogger : A logging framework for C / C++ 0.2 Features liblogger is a logging framework for C / C++, with the following features : Transparent Logging to file / console / network. Supports different logging levels. Customizable : Log level, Module name, etc., can be configured on per file basis. Zero Performance overhead when the logging is disabled. Simple APIs similar to printf() Platforms / Compilers Supported. Compilers : gcc, Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler. Platforms : POSIX (Unix, GNU/Linux), Windows The presence of a platform layer makes it very easy to port to new platforms.
