Direct assessment of behavioral and emotional problems

时间:2021-06-29 21:59:11
文件名称:Direct assessment of behavioral and emotional problems
更新时间:2021-06-29 21:59:11
学术 论文 Direct assessment of behavioral and emotional problems 472 Psychology in the Schools, October, 1078, Vol . 16, No. 4. REFERENCES DAVIS, E. E. Concurrent validity of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. Measurement DAVIS, E. E., & ROWLAND, T. A replacement for the venerable Stanford-Binet? Journal of Clinical and Evaluation in Guidance, 1975, 8, 101-104. Ps~choloau. 1974. 30. 517-521. I "", I , DAVIS, E. E., & WALKER, C. Validity of the McCarthy Scales for southwestern ru
