Framework for Instruction-level Tracing and Analysis of Program Executions (2006)-计算机科学

时间:2024-05-12 09:16:25

文件名称:Framework for Instruction-level Tracing and Analysis of Program Executions (2006)-计算机科学



更新时间:2024-05-12 09:16:25

Papers Specs Decks Manuals etc

Framework for Instruction-level Tracing and Analysis of Program ExecutionsSanjay Bhansali Wen-Ke Chen Stuart de Jong Andrew Edwards Ron Murray Milenko Drinić Darek Mihǒcka Joe ChauMicrosoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA {sanjaybh,wenkec,sdejong,andred,ronm,mdrinic,darekm,joechau}@microsoft.comAbstract Program execution traces provide the most intimate details of a pro- gram’s dynamic behavior. They can be used for program optimiza- tion, failure diagnosis, collecting software met
