文件名称:golgotterath:用Pharo Smalltalk编写的实验性等距游戏引擎
更新时间:2024-05-31 00:12:28
smalltalk pharo pharo-smalltalk Smalltalk
戈尔戈特拉斯 我是用Pharo Smalltalk编写的实验性等距游戏引擎。 载入中 Metacello new repository: 'github://psvensson/golgotterath:master'; baseline: 'Golgotterath'; load 跑步 GameWindow open 游戏中命令 Arrow keys up,down,left right move the player character The numeric keyboard also move the player character in any of eight directions i - show Inventory g - get an item off the ground d - drop item from inventory w - wie