
时间:2015-12-18 03:23:32
更新时间:2015-12-18 03:23:32
2D转3D论文 2002年到2011年期间2D转3D比较好的论文。
----2011-Stereoscopic image generation from 2D image based on object feature analysis.pdf(648KB)
----2002-54-Rapid 2D to 3D conversion.pdf(723KB)
----2009-14-A block-based 2D-to-3D conversion system with bilateral filter.pdf(656KB)
----2007-31-Real-time 2D to 3D video conversion.pdf(450KB)
----2008-15-A novel method for semi-automatic 2D to 3D video conversion.pdf(238KB)
----2004-54-Depth map generation by image classification.pdf(4.57MB)
----2006-33-3D-TV content generation- 2D-to-3D conversion.pdf(79KB)
----2011-Depth map generation for 2D-to-3D conversion by limited user inputs and depth propagation.pdf(710KB)
----2D-To-3D Stereoscopic Conversion-Depth-Map Estimation in a 2D Single-View Image.pdf(459KB)
----2009 A novel 2D-to-3D conversion technique based on relative height depth cue.pdf(5.12MB)
----2009-122-Make3d-Learning 3d scene structure from a single still image.pdf(6.04MB)
----Research Assignment Qing Qing Wei - A Survey of 2D to 3D Conversion Algorithms.pdf(853KB)
----2010-4-Depth map estimation from single-view image using object classification based on Bayesian learning.pdf(657KB)


  • 是中文的就更好了,不过图像处理本来就是国外的研究的更好些
  • 慢慢看,很好,谢谢
  • 全是英文论文,留着慢慢看~
  • 是英文的论文,虽然说不错,可是我希望是中文博士生论文