文件名称:Statistically recapturing the richness within the classroom
更新时间:2024-07-19 15:54:39
学术 论文
Statistically recapturing the richness within the classroom LOCUS O F CONTROL: A PROPOSAL FOIL CHANGE 339 P~:ir,\zwic, L. uid \VHI,:ELI,X, L. Locus of perceived con0rol arid need achicveiiieiit. f’erceptual atrtl PH.\IIISS, E. J. 1)ifferential ut.ilizat.ion of inforniat.ion as a function of internal-external control. Molor Skills, 1971, 23, 1281-1282) Jouriial of Personality, 1969, $0, 649-662. ~:L.;IM.\NIs, G. A. A study (tj home etivirotinietit atrd readiness for achieucnioct at sch