Weiner, JP 和 Stein, RM(编辑)。 (1985)。 青少年、文学和青年工作。 纽约:Haworth Press,137 页,[美元]29.95

时间:2021-06-29 20:41:41
文件名称:Weiner, JP 和 Stein, RM(编辑)。 (1985)。 青少年、文学和青年工作。 纽约:Haworth Press,137 页,[美元]29.95
更新时间:2021-06-29 20:41:41
学术 论文 Weiner, J. P., & Stein, R. M. (Eds.). (1985). Adolescents, literature, and work with youth. New York: Haworth Press, 137 pp., [dollar]29.95 196 Book Reviews second manuscript on design and evaluation. His first 200 pages are excellent; his last 100 are not. Overall, the book is readable and credible and can be recommended. Thomas’s analyses of intervention will be valuable, as promised, for “practitioners, administrators, and researchers as well as students in such fields as psychology,
