三叔丁基氮杂二硼烷 NB2R3 与羰基及类似物质的React

时间:2021-06-29 22:03:14
文件名称:三叔丁基氮杂二硼烷 NB2R3 与羰基及类似物质的React
更新时间:2021-06-29 22:03:14
学术 论文 Reactions of Tri-tert-butylazadiboriridine NB2R3 with Carbonyl and Similar Species Reactions of Tri-tert-butylazadiboriridine NB2R3 with Carbonyl and Similar Species Peter Paetzold*, Jutta Kiesgen, Stefan Luckert, Thomas Spaniol, and Ulli Englert Aachen, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Technische Hochschule Received March 4th, 2002. Dedicated to Professor Welf Bronger on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday Abstract. The carbonyl group of X(R’)CO is added to the B�B bond of the three-membe
