Use of three new instruments in a head start program evaluation

时间:2024-07-19 12:45:20

文件名称:Use of three new instruments in a head start program evaluation



更新时间:2024-07-19 12:45:20

学术 论文

Use of three new instruments in a head start program evaluation USE: OF THREE NEW IiSSTRUMENTS I N A HEAD START PROCItAAI EVALUATIOW ROREHT K. REXTFROW, KATHLEEN I)URNING2, EVA CONRAD AND OCEA GOLDUPP Uwiverszty of Aiizoira Early cvaluation studies of Head Start (Bisscll, 1970; Cicirelli, 1969) used largc samples with global evaluation instruments. Results of these studies have been controversial. The averaging of nation-\\ ide data concealed differences among groups of children, an
