windows 7 debug symbols 32位 64位 sp1的symbols是另一个文件

时间:2020-09-23 11:33:35

文件名称:windows 7 debug symbols 32位 64位 sp1的symbols是另一个文件



更新时间:2020-09-23 11:33:35

win7 debug symbols 32位_64位

windows 7 debug symbols 不含win7 sp1的symbol If you plan to install symbols manually, it is crucial that you remember this basic rule: the symbol files on the host computer are required to match the version of Windows installed on the target computer. If you are planning to do a kernel mode debug of a Windows XP target from a Windows 2000 host, you need to install the Windows XP symbol files on the Windows 2000 system. If you plan to perform user-mode debugging on the same computer as the target application, then install the symbol files that match the version of Windows running on that system. If you are analyzing a memory dump file, then the version of symbol files needed on the debug computer are those that match the version of the operating system that produced the dump file, not necessarily those matching the version of the operating system on the machine running the debug session.



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