Rourke, BP, Bakker, DJ, Fisk, JL, & Strang, JD (1983)。 儿童神经心理学。 纽约:吉尔福德出版社,389 页,[美元]29.50

时间:2024-07-19 10:58:36

文件名称:Rourke, BP, Bakker, DJ, Fisk, JL, & Strang, JD (1983)。 儿童神经心理学。 纽约:吉尔福德出版社,389 页,[美元]29.50



更新时间:2024-07-19 10:58:36

学术 论文

Rourke, B. P., Bakker, D. J., Fisk, J. L., & Strang, J. D. (1983). Child neuropsychology. New York: Guilford Press, 389 pp., [dollar]29.50 Book Reviews 219 SPREEN, O., TUPPER, D., RISSER, A., TUOKKO, H., & EDGELL, D. (1984). Human developmental neuropsychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 474 pp., $2 1.50 (paper). Child neuro- psychology. New York: Guilford Press, 389 pp., $29.50. The appearance of these two works highlights the current surge of interest in child neuropsycholo
