Android SQLite 介紹

时间:2017-04-16 01:29:27
文件名称:Android SQLite 介紹
更新时间:2017-04-16 01:29:27
SQLite Simple, small (~350KB), light weight RDMS implementation with simple API Each database is stored as a single file containing both Pragma & Data Writes cause file locking and are always sequential and blocking Reads can be multi-tasked Designed for local use NOT Client-Server, is an integral part of the client application Ideal for embedded and mobile devices Open Source ACID Compliant (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) Uses dynamic, weakly types data types and syntax Uses SQL query language – Implements most of SQL-92 SQL is mostly portable between major database technologies Does not fully implement ALTER TABLE (can’t modify/delete columns) Partial support for TRIGGERS (does not support ‘For Each Statement’)
