Scorer reliability on the AAMD adaptive behavior scale, public school version, part one

时间:2021-06-29 17:19:44
文件名称:Scorer reliability on the AAMD adaptive behavior scale, public school version, part one
更新时间:2021-06-29 17:19:44
学术 论文 Scorer reliability on the AAMD adaptive behavior scale, public school version, part one Pr,chulogy in rhe Schools 1980. 1 7 . 335.338 SCORER RELIABILITY ON THE AAMD ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALE, PUBLIC SCHOOL VERSION, PART ONE T H E L M A GIVENS Lawron B. Evans Child Cenfer, Augusta, Georgia Two groups of scorers were used to investigate the effects of in-service training in scor- ing and the reliability of scorers with the AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale, Public School Version, Part One
