
时间:2011-12-31 05:27:03




更新时间:2011-12-31 05:27:03

Quartz 调度

About the Author Chuck Cavaness is the Chief Technology Officer at Cypress Care, Inc. and a software technologist with more than 10 years of technical management, software engineering, and development experience. Chuck has spent time in the travel, health-care, banking, and B2B/B2C sectors, and has spent the past several years building large enterprise J2EE systems for the financial and health-care industries. Chuck is a published author of five books on popular technologies, including books on Java J2EE and many open source technologies such as Apache Struts. He has also written for JavaWorld, O'Reilly, OnJava, and InformIt.com and has taught courses on programming and software development at Georgia Institute of Technology.

