Rare Earth Metal Ruthenium Gallides R2Ru3Ga9 with Y2Co3Ga9 Type Structure

时间:2021-06-29 17:40:56
文件名称:Rare Earth Metal Ruthenium Gallides R2Ru3Ga9 with Y2Co3Ga9 Type Structure
更新时间:2021-06-29 17:40:56
学术 论文 Rare Earth Metal Ruthenium Gallides R2Ru3Ga9 with Y2Co3Ga9 Type Structure Rare Earth Metal Ruthenium Gallides R2Ru3Ga9 with Y2Co3Ga9 Type Structure Martin SchluÈ ter and Wolfgang Jeitschko* MuÈ nster, Anorganisch-Chemisches Institut der WestfaÈ lischen Wilhelms-UniversitaÈ t Received June 5th, 2000. Abstract. The twelve isotypic intermetallic compounds R2Ru3Ga9 with R = Y, La±Nd, Sm, Gd±Tm were prepared by arc-melting of the elemental components. Their crystal structure was determined from
