文件名称:小型命令行 JSON 日志查看器
更新时间:2024-07-18 11:26:22
json log command-line viewer command-line-tool
博客查看json日志文件的小工具。筛选要过滤日志消息,可以使用 luafblog -f' level ~= "info"'# will print all message where the level is not info fblog -f' process == "play"'# will print all message where the process is play fblog -f' string.find(fu, "bow.*") ~= nil'# will print all messages where fu starts with bow fblog -f' process == "play"'# will print all message where the process is play fblog -f' process == "rust" and fu == "bower"' fblog --no-implicit-filter-return-statement -f' if 3 > 2 then return true else return fa