embedded system design

时间:2013-06-13 11:36:52
文件名称:embedded system design
更新时间:2013-06-13 11:36:52
embedded system design Embedded systems can be defined as information processing systems embedded into enclosing products such as cars, telecommunication or fabrication equipment. Such systems come with a large number of common characteristics, including real-time constraints, and dependability as well as efficiency requirements. Embedded system technology is essential for providing ubiquitous information, one of the key goals of modern information technology (IT). Following the success of IT for office and workflow applications, embedded systems are considered to be the most important application area of information technology during the coming years. Due to this expectation, the term post-PC era was coined. This term denotes the fact that in the future, standard- PCs will be a less dominant kind of hardware. Processors and software will be used in much smaller systems and will in many cases even be invisible (this led to the term the disappearing computer). It is obvious that many technical products have to be technologically advanced to find customers’ interest. Cars, cameras, TV sets, mobile phones etc. can hardly be sold any more unless they come with smart software. The number of processors in embedded systems already exceeds the number of processors in PCs, and this trend is expected to continue. According to forecasts, the size of embedded software will also increase at a large rate. Another kind of Moore’s law was predicted: For many products in the area of consumer electronics the amount of code is doubling every two years [Vaandrager, 1998]. This importance of embedded systems is so far not well reflected inmany of the current curricula. This book is intended as an aid for changing this situation. It provides the material for a first course on embedded systems, but can also be used by non-student readers.


  • 该书没多大用处,学嵌入式还是还是把模电,数电,C语言,汇编等先学好。
  • 英文版的不错,简述嵌入式的知识
  • 能看,字不是扫描的。内容简单。