LaTex 参考手册

时间:2012-09-08 09:08:32

文件名称:LaTex 参考手册



更新时间:2012-09-08 09:08:32

LaTex Tex CTan Ctex

书名:The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2ε Or LATEX2ε in 141 minutes 这是目前所找到的一份关于Tex的参考手册,pdf格式 --------------------------------------------- LATEX [1] is a typesetting system that is very suitable for producing scien- tific and mathematical documents of high typographical quality. It is also suitable for producing all sorts of other documents, from simple letters to complete books. L ATEX uses TEX [2] as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes L ATEX2ε and should be sufficient for most applications of L ATEX. Refer to [1, 3] for a complete description of the L ATEX system. This introduction is split into 6 chapters: Chapter 1 tells you about the basic structure of L ATEX2ε documents. You will also learn a bit about the history of L ATEX. After reading this chapter, you should have a rough understanding how L ATEX works. Chapter 2 goes into the details of typesetting your documents. It explains most of the essential L ATEX commands and environments. After read- ing this chapter, you will be able to write your first documents. Chapter 3 explains how to typeset formulae with L ATEX. Many examples demonstrate how to use one of L ATEX’s main strengths. At the end of the chapter are tables listing all mathematical symbols available in L ATEX. Chapter 4 explains indexes, bibliography generation and inclusion of EPS graphics. It introduces creation of PDF documents with pdfL ATEX and presents some handy extension packages. Chapter 5 shows how to use L ATEX for creating graphics. Instead of draw- ing a picture with some graphics program, saving it to a file and then including it into L ATEX you describe the picture and have L ATEX draw it for you. Chapter 6 contains some potentially dangerous information about how to alter the standard document layout produced by L ATEX. It will tell you how to change things such that the beautiful output of L ATEX turns ugly or stunning, depending on your abilities.

The Not So Short Introduction to L ATEX2ε.pdf


  • latex很不错,写论文很棒啊