dhcp server

时间:2012-09-28 07:07:50
文件名称:dhcp server
更新时间:2012-09-28 07:07:50
11 TFTPD32 is copyrighted 1998-2003 by Philippe Jounin (philippe@jounin.net). TFTPD32 is a free, non-commercial product. All documents, software and archives that is attached or included, hereafter referred to as TFTPD32, is protected by applicable copyright laws. TFTPD32 is provided as is, without warranty of any kind or guaranties for fitness for a particular purpose, either expressed or implied, is hereby explicitly disclaimed. You may freely distribute and copy TFTPD32 as long as no fee is charged and the TFTPD32 archive contains unmodified copies of the original files as produced by its author. No part of TFTPD32 may be modified, altered, reverse engineered, sold, or distributed in any form which would involve exchange of currency or services without prior written permission from its author. Official site: http://tftpd32.jounin.net


  • 工具还可以,感谢
  • 挺好,可以用
  • 不错,不过没有我想像中那么好
  • 非常不错的工具,方便搭建测试环境,感谢分享~~