文件名称:VMware Unlocker for MacOS , Ver3.0.3 [2019/10/8]
更新时间:2023-05-14 08:01:53
unlocker macos vmware 3.0.3
解决VMware升级到15.5.1无法unlock问题。解决VMware升级到15.5.1通过unlock操作显示macos选项的问题,网上其他版本的unlocker无法在15.5.1版本下发挥作用。详情参考文章:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_20515461/article/details/103533873 WINDOWS USERS: Get the tool from the Releases section, you will get a bundled python distribution which avoids the virus warnings and python not found etc. LINUX USERS: No bundled python for you, but make sure you have python 3.0+ installed. If you have errors like "Python not supported" but you have python installed, change the lines inside of lnx-install.sh from 'python xxxxxxx.py' to 'python3.7 xxxxxxx.py' (if you have python 3.7 installed, otherwise try python3 or other stuff) VMware Unlocker for MacOS , Ver3.0.3 VMware要安裝Mac OS 所需要安裝的補丁 Supports versions: Workstation 11/12/14/15 on Windows and Linux Workstation Player 7/12/14/15 on Windows and Linux