Stability of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children For A Sample Of At-Risk Preschool Children

时间:2021-06-29 16:08:24
文件名称:Stability of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children For A Sample Of At-Risk Preschool Children
更新时间:2021-06-29 16:08:24
学术 论文 Psychology in the Schools Volume 24, April 1987 STABILITY OF THE KAUFMAN ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN FOR A SAMPLE OF AT-RISK PRESCHOOL CHILDRENIr2 MARK A. LYON AND DOUGLAS K. SMITH3 University of Wisconsin-RiverF alls This study examined the stability of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) for a sample of at-risk preschool children. Over a 9-month time interval, the stability coefficients (corrected for restriction in range) for the global scales of the K-ABC ranged
