Methodological considerations regarding the evaluation of maintenance of gains due to token programs

时间:2021-06-29 18:16:20
文件名称:Methodological considerations regarding the evaluation of maintenance of gains due to token programs
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:16:20
学术 论文 Methodological considerations regarding the evaluation of maintenance of gains due to token programs METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE EVALUATION OF MAINTENANCE O F GAINS DUE TO TOKEN PROGRAMS FREDRIC M. LEVINE, G E R A L D I N E FASNACHT, D E A N FUNABIKI, A N D MICHAEL R . B U R K A R T Sraie Universiry of New York at Stony * The issue of maintenance of changes in behavior produced by token programs is un- questionably important. The present paper raises methodo
