文件名称:Dent, H., & Flin, R. (EDS.). (1992). Children as witnesses. New York: Wiley, 259 pp., [dollar]49.95
更新时间:2024-07-19 11:45:21
学术 论文
Dent, H., & Flin, R. (EDS.). (1992). Children as witnesses. New York: Wiley, 259 pp., [dollar]49.95 Psychology in /he Srhoob Volume 30, July 1993 B O O K R E V I E W S GILBERT R. GREDLER University of South Carolina DENT, H., & FLIN, R. (EDs.). (1992). Children as witnesses. New York: Wiley, 259 pp., $49.95. The subject of children as witnesses has become an area of considerable interest because of recent court trials, particularly those dealing with sexual abuse of children. Co