
时间:2018-06-17 05:23:38
更新时间:2018-06-17 05:23:38
Embedded Linux Yocto If you are an embedded developer learning about embedded Linux with some experience with the Yocto project, this book is the ideal way to become proficient and broaden your knowledge with examples that are immediately applicable to your embedded developments. Experienced embedded Yocto developers will find new insight into working methodologies and ARM specific development competence. Table of Contents Chapter 1: The Build System Chapter 2: The BSP Layer Chapter 3: The Software Layer Chapter 4: Application Development Chapter 5: Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling


  • 非常感谢,谢谢分享
  • IMX6的配置很有益
  • 有一定参考价值,但是内容更新不上
  • yocto好难,我整了一个寒假都没有入门
  • 想知道yocto架构必看的书
  • 下来学学这个新出来的嵌入式Linux是个什么东东。
  • 神书,非常非常好
  • 好东西真不错
  • 今年刚刚出版的书也能下载,不错不错。书本身的内容我还没看,但肯定有参考价值。目前Yocto方面的参考书很少(除了user manual外)。 前两天我费了好多时间利用GOOGLE搜索次书的下载都没有成功,今天一下在本网站找到(还有另外一本Yoct哦新书)。多谢多谢。
  • 对imx6编程很有帮助