Advanced High-School Mathematics

时间:2020-05-15 09:28:28
文件名称:Advanced High-School Mathematics
更新时间:2020-05-15 09:28:28
Mathematics The basic layout of my notes originally was constrained to the ve option themes of IB: geometry, discrete mathematics, abstract algebra, series and ordinary dierential equations, and inferential statistics. However, I have since added a short chapter on inequalities and constrained extrema as they amplify and extend themes typically visited in a standard course in Algebra II. As for the IB option themes, my organization diers substantially from that of the HH text. Theirs is one in which the chapters are independent of each other, having very little articulation among the chapters. This makes their text especially suitable for the teaching of any given option topic within the context of IB mathematics HL. Mine, on the other hand, tries to bring out the strong interdependencies among the chapters. For example, the HH text places the chapter on abstract algebra (Sets, Relations, and Groups) before discrete mathematics (Number Theory and Graph Theory), whereas I feel that the correct sequence is the other way around. Much of the motivation for abstract algebra can be found in a variety of topics from both number theory and graph theory. As a result, the reader will nd that my Abstract Algebra chapter draws heavily from both of these topics for important examples and motivation.
