Identification of statistically significant differences between scaled scores and psycholinguistic ages on the ITPA

时间:2021-06-29 19:01:53
文件名称:Identification of statistically significant differences between scaled scores and psycholinguistic ages on the ITPA
更新时间:2021-06-29 19:01:53
学术 论文 Identification of statistically significant differences between scaled scores and psycholinguistic ages on the ITPA IDENTIFICATION OF STATISTICALIiY SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SCALED SCORES AND PSYCHOLINGUISTIC AGES ON THE ITPA JAMES E. YSSELDYKE AND DAVID A. SABATINO Pennsylvania State Universit?/ School psychologists often are faced with the assignment of prescribing or carrying out remedial programs based specifically upon a child’s pattern of per- formance on the Illinois T
