Referral of the child with learning problems: Bridging a communication gap

时间:2024-07-19 13:54:04

文件名称:Referral of the child with learning problems: Bridging a communication gap



更新时间:2024-07-19 13:54:04

学术 论文

Referral of the child with learning problems: Bridging a communication gap REFERRAL OF THE CHILD WITH LEARNING PROBLEPt'IS: BRIDGING A COhlAlUKICATION G A P MARY E. WALSH', FELICISIMA c. SERAFICA~, AND ROGER BIBACE Clark University Successful communication between the teacher and school psychologist is considered a vital factor in providing appropriate diagnostic and remediation services t o a child with a learning problem. All hoiigh considerable attention has been given to the psy
