时间:2011-05-15 11:09:28
更新时间:2011-05-15 11:09:28
Linux Practical Ubuntu Contents xi Preface xxxv 1 Welcome to Linux 1 PART I Installing Ubuntu Linux 21 2 Installation Overview 23 3 Step-by-Step Installation 45 PART II Getting Started with Ubuntu Linux 85 4 Introduction to Ubuntu Linux 87 5 The Linux Utilities 145 6 The Linux Filesystem 183 7 The Shell 219 PART III Digging into Ubuntu Linux 249 8 Linux GUIs: X and GNOME 251 9 The Bourne Again Shell 275 10 Networking and the Internet 353 11 Programming the Bourne Again Shell 395 PART IV System Administration 483 12 System Administration: Core Concepts 485 13 Files, Directories, and Filesystems 553 14 Downloading and Installing Software 583 15 Printing with CUPS 611 16 Building a Linux Kernel 635 17 Administration Tasks 657 18 Configuring a LAN 693 PART V Using Clients and Setting Up Servers 705 19 OpenSSH: Secure Network Communication 707 20 FTP: Transferring Files Across a Network 729 21 exim4: Setting Up Mail Servers, Clients, and More 755 22 NIS: Network Information Service 781 23 NFS: Sharing Filesystems 799 24 Samba: Linux and Windows File and Printer Sharing 823 25 DNS/BIND: Tracking Domain Names and Addresses 845 26 firestarter and iptables: Setting Up a Firewall 885 27 Apache: Setting Up a Web Server 915 PART VI Appendixes 969 A Regular Expressions 971 B Help 981 C Security 991 D The Free Software Definition 1011 E The Linux 2.6 Kernel 1015 Glossary 1021 Index 1071


  • Basic but very complete, thanks for sharing.
  • 很好的书,对ubuntu的基本操作和命令讲解的不错。
  • Basic but very complete, thanks for sharing.
  • 英文版,讲了ubuntu的基本用法,GUI操作讲的多。