文件名称:windows内核源代码 wrk.7z
更新时间:2014-12-29 08:27:52
从潘爱民的博客看到这东西的,潘爱民准备写一个windows内核方面的书,就提到了微软的WRK计划(Windows Research Kernel),这个计划是让高校师生以及亲密的合作商有一个机会能够了解和学习windows的内核代码,它的网站在这里:http://www.microsoft.com/resourc ... earchkernelkit.mspx虽然有个下载连接,可是进去以后需要申请一个序列号,我已经申请了,但是不知道能不能拿到这个序列号。WRK应该是包含了以下这些模块的代码,都是很实惠的,学习一下感觉挺有意义。而且WRK应该是可以编译运行的(需要验证),如果是这样,那就比光看代码更有用处了。The Windows Research Kernel contains the sources for the core Windows (NTOS) kernel.NTOS implements the basic OS functions for: * Processes * Threads * Virtual memory and cache managers * I/O management * The registry * Executive functions, such as the kernel heap and synchronization * Object manager * Local procedure call mechanism * Security reference monitor * Low-level CPU management (thread scheduling, Asynchronous and Deferred Procedure calls, interrupt/trap handling, exceptions)