NokiaLCD:诺基亚 5110 LCD 的 AVR 库

时间:2021-06-15 02:20:47
文件名称:NokiaLCD:诺基亚 5110 LCD 的 AVR 库
更新时间:2021-06-15 02:20:47
C Joseph Fortune 编写的诺基亚 5110 LCD 的 AVR 库 一、执照 This code is distributed under the Beerware liscense. Any individual is free to do as they please with this source under the condition that if they ever meet the author and they like the code, then they buy him a beer. 二、 功能说明 lcd_init() Configures approriate input/output settings as well as sending commands to configure the LCD. lcd_send() Prepares
