
时间:2024-07-20 12:27:02




更新时间:2024-07-20 12:27:02


leetcode 信封力码 对于 LeetCode。 (2018.04.23 更新) 当前 大批 1 两和(简单) 暴力解法:时间复杂度O(n^2) 利用map hash:时间复杂度O(n) 26 从排序数组中删除重复项(简单) 链表 21 合并两个排序列表(简单) 83 从排序列表中删除重复项(简单) 141 链表循环(简单) 两个链表的160度交集(简单) 206反向链表(简单) 234回文链表(简单) 237 删除链表中的节点(简单) 725 分部拆分链表(中) 树 101 对称树 104 二叉树的最大深度 111 二叉树的最小深度 226 反转二叉树 第437章 道和III 第538章 把BST转成大树 543 直径二叉树 572 另一棵树的子树 617 合并两棵二叉树 动态规划 322 硬币变化 62条独特的路径 55 跳跃游戏 91种解码方式 63条独特的道路II 674 最长连续递增子序列 64 最小路径和 338 计数位 198 强盗 第213话 121个买卖股票的最佳时机 122 买卖股票的最佳时机 II 123 买卖股票的最佳时机 III 188 买卖股票的最佳时机

----141_Linked List Cycle.cpp(534B)
----132_Palindrome Partitioning II.cpp(1KB)
----349_Intersection of Two Arrays.cpp(874B)
----188_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV.cpp(2KB)
----1_Two Sum_暴力.cpp(376B)
----87_Scramble String.cpp(2KB)
----300_Longest Increasing Subsequence.cpp(520B)
----516_Longest Palindromic Subsequence.cpp(760B)
----617_Merge Two Binary Trees.cpp(586B)
----63_Unique Paths II.cpp(827B)
----322_Coin Change.cpp(636B)
----21_Merge Two Sorted Lists.cpp(960B)
----123_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III.cpp(1KB)
----725_Split Linked List in Parts.cpp(1KB)
----111_Minimum Depth of Binary Tree.cpp(610B)
----234_Palindrome Linked List.cpp(1KB)
----123_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III.cpp (1KB)
----62_Unique Paths.cpp(372B)
----72_Edit Distance.cpp(1012B)
----538_Convert BST to Greater Tree.cpp(845B)
----226_Invert Binary Tree.cpp(602B)
----121_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.cpp(556B)
----10_Regular Expression Matching.cpp(1019B)
----338_Counting Bits.cpp(220B)
----572_Subtree of Another Tree.cpp(841B)
----437_Path Sum III.cpp(899B)
----674_Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence.cpp(857B)
----160_Intersection of Two Linked Lists.cpp(1KB)
----543_Diameter of Binary Tree.cpp(802B)
----64_Minimum Path Sum.cpp(883B)
----350_Intersection of Two Arrays II.cpp(784B)
----203_Remove Linked List Elements.cpp(676B)
----198_House Robber.cpp(387B)
----206_Reverse Linked List.cpp(486B)
----44_Wildcard Matching.cpp(864B)
----83_Remove Duplicates from Sorted List.cpp(611B)
----1_Two Sum_hash.cpp(689B)
----104_Maximum Depth of Binary Tree.cpp(453B)
----237_Delete Node in a Linked List.cpp(310B)
----26_Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.cpp(351B)
----354_Russian Doll Envelopes.cpp(690B)
----279_Perfect Squares.cpp(462B)
----97_Interleaving String.cpp(1KB)
----91_Decode Ways.cpp(843B)
----213_House Robber II.cpp(989B)
----101_Symmetric Tree.cpp(894B)
----122_Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II.cpp(313B)
----409_Longest Palindrome.cpp(476B)
----55_Jump Game.cpp(564B)
