文件名称:社会、情感和教育调整; 带注释的参考书目。 英国伯克斯温莎:NFER Publishing Co. Ltd.(由 Humanities Press 在美国分发,450 Park Avenue South, NY 10016。)
更新时间:2024-07-19 12:21:57
学术 论文
Social, emotional and educational adjustment; annotated bibliography. Windsor, Berks, England: NFER Publishing Co. Ltd. (Distributed in the USA by Humanities Press, 450 Park Avenue South, N. Y. 10016.) Hook Reviews 245 PILLING, D. The Child with a Chronic Medical Problem - Cardiac Disorders, PILLING, D. I’ILLING, D. Social, Emotional and Educational Adjustment; Annotated Bibliography. Windsor, Berks, England: XFER Publishing Co. Ltd. (Distributed in the USA by Humanities Press, 450 Pa