文件名称:Pro Windows 8 Development With HTML5 and JavaScript
更新时间:2016-04-21 05:22:01
Win8 HTML5 JavaScript
Pro Windows 8 Development With HTML5 and JavaScript (英文PDF) 众所皆知,Windows 8的应用是可以用JavaScript+HTML5来开发的,但是相应的资料却少得可怜。这本910页的厚书填补了这个缺陷。本书由浅入深,面面俱到地介绍了JavaScript on Windows 8的各个方面。如果你是一个JavaScript开发者,想使用自己熟悉的技术开发Windows 8应用,那么这本书就是你的起点。 推荐英文水平好的朋友阅读。 Windows 8 represents Microsoft’s desire to break out of the traditional desktop computing market and make an impact in the mobile world, which has been dominated by Android devices and, of course, Apple products. Microsoft’s plan is to offer the user consistency across devices, allowing the same apps to operate on the user’s data irrespective of which device, or which kind of device, the user has at hand. This is attractive to many users and it leverages Microsoft’s greatest asset—the leading position in the desktop computing market—to drive sales, acceptance, and credibility in the tablet and smart-phone markets. The traditional Windows desktop isn’t a good model for consistency across different types of devices, and attempts to add touch support and rework the interface for smaller screens have not ended well. Trying to extend the old Windows model to small devices is part of the reason Microsoft’s previous forays into the mobile world have fared so badly. And that’s where Windows apps come in. Rather than perpetuate its existing application model, Microsoft has decided to create a new one. Windows Store applications, more commonly known as apps, are available on every device that can run Windows 8 and its derivatives (Windows Phone 8, Windows RT, etc.). More important, Windows apps run as well on large-screen desktop machines with a mouse and keyboard as they do on a moderately sized touch-screen tablet. Windows Store apps are a big departure from regular Windows desktop apps: they fill the screen, don’t have title bars and buttons, and have a completely different look and feel. Another big departure for Microsoft is that you can use web technologies to create apps, which is the reason I have written this book and, most likely, the reason you are reading it. By embracing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Microsoft has embraced a completely new community of developers, who can take their knowledge of web app development and apply it to Windows app development.