Elevated serum growth hormone in a patient with Type 1 diabetes: a diagnostic dilemma

时间:2024-07-19 10:00:19

文件名称:Elevated serum growth hormone in a patient with Type 1 diabetes: a diagnostic dilemma



更新时间:2024-07-19 10:00:19

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CLINICAL CHALLENGES DIABETES/METABOLISMRESEARCHANDREVIEWS DiabetesMetabResRev2000;16:211–216. IN DIABETES Elevated serum growth hormone in a patient with Type 1 diabetes: a diagnostic dilemma O. M. Herlihy1 Summary P. Perros2* Thebiochemicalconfirmationofacromegalyisrarelydifficultandisbasedon 1DepartmentofDiabetes, anelevatedfastingserumgrowthhormone(GH)concentration,whichfailsto WesternGeneralHospital, suppressinresponsetoanoralglucoseload.Impairedglucosetoleranceand Edinburgh,UK Type 2 diabetes
