文件名称:Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe
更新时间:2021-11-07 02:34:20
graphGL Elixir
GraphQL is an exciting newcomer to the world of web service protocols. It arrived on the scene at exactly the right time for us, struggling as we were with a complicated, inflexible REST API that was wearing a little of the shine off our fancy new Elixir application in production. We decided to give GraphQL a try. Little did we know that along the way, we’d discover an approach to building APIs and collaborating across the backend/front-end divide that was more flexible, maintainable, and fun for our team. We wrote Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir, because we thought GraphQL might be a good fit for our problem, our development process, and our platform. Since that time, a community has grown up around the project. We wrote this book because we think that it might just be a good fit for yours, too. It’s certainly a great fit for Elixir!