Springer Handbook of Speech Processing

时间:2015-07-23 08:19:15

文件名称:Springer Handbook of Speech Processing



更新时间:2015-07-23 08:19:15

Speech Processing

Springer Handbooks provide a concise compilation of approved key information on methods of research, general principles, and functional relationships in physical sciences and engineering. The world’s leading experts in the fields of physics and engineering will be assigned by one or several renowned editors to write the chapters comprising each volume. The content is selected by these experts from Springer sources (books, journals, online content) and other systematic and approved recent publications of physical and technical information. The volumes are designed to be useful as readable desk reference books to give a fast and comprehensive overview and easy retrieval of essential reliable key information, including tables, graphs, and bibliographies. References to extensive sources are provided.


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  • 书是好书,但是要10分太贵了,而且书里边的章节顺序是乱的。给一个比较靠谱的地址:http://download.csdn.net/download/sptoor/3373459
  • 唯一的缺点是章节内容反着来的,好奇怪!
  • 资料非常好,值得10分
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  • 这个很好,原版太贵。
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  • 语音处理经典,很多大牛作者在里面
  • 语音信号技术最全面的总结!不过书内章节的顺序是反的。