时间:2012-03-15 16:19:04
更新时间:2012-03-15 16:19:04
ATM ATM Signalling PROTOCOLS AND PRACTICE Introduction ..................................... 1 1 .l Organisation of the Book ............................ 2 1.2 Systems used for Experiments ......................... 2 1.3 Protocol Tracing Tools ............................. 4 1.3.1 Introduction ............................... 4 1.3.2 Sun Batman API to Packet Stream Stub baps ............. 5 1.3.3 Fore API to Packet Stream Stub f aps ................. 5 1.3.4 Reading ATM Cells with HP 75000 BSTS and hpcs ......... 5 1.3.5 Cell Stream Dump with csdump .................... 6 1.3.6 AAL5 Reassembly Tool a5r ...................... 6 1.3.7 Generic Packet Stream Dump psd ................... 6 1.3.8 Trace SSCOP Protocol tool sscopdump ................ 6 1.3.9 Generic Decoder for UN1 3.1, UN1 4.0, 4.2931 and PNNI 1.0 Signalling sigdump .......................... 6 1.3.10 ATM Forum PNNI 1 . 0 Routing Decoder pnnidump .......... 7 1.3.11 ILMI Dump tool ilmidump ...................... 7 1.4 ATM Protocol Software ............................. 7 1.5 Standardisation Process ............................. 7 2 Overview of ATM Signalling ............................ 9 2.1 Signalling Interfaces and Protocols ....................... 9 2.2 Example ATM Connection ........................... 11 3 UNI: User-Network Interface ........................... 17 3.1 Overview .................................... 17 3.2 Configuration .................................. 19 3.2.1 Signalling Channels and Modes .................... 20 3.2.2 Proxy Signalling ............................ 22 3.2.3 Virtual UNIs .............................. 24 3.3 UN1 Messages .................................. 25 3.3.1 Message Header ............................ 26 3.3.2 Information Elements .......................... 28 vi CONTENTS ...................... 30 3.3.3 Information Element Coding 3.3.4 Coding Examples ............................ 30 3.3.5 Interdependence of Information Elements ............... 35 3.4 Connection States ................................ 36 3.5 Point-to-point Calls ............................... 37 3.5.1 Outgoing Calls ............................. 40 3.5.2 Connection Identifier Selection ..................... 44 3.5.3 Negotiation of Connection Characteristics ............... 45 3.5.4 Incoming Calls ............................. 47 3.5.5 Unsuccessful Calls ........................... 51 3.5.6 Clearing a Call ............................. 54 3.5.7 Status Enquiry Procedure and STATUS Messages ........... 59 3.6 Point-to-Multipoint Calls ............................ 60 3.6.1 End Point References and Party States ................. 63 3.6.2 Establishment of the First Party .................... 66 3.6.3 Adding a Leaf ............................. 66 3.6.4 Rejecting an ADD PARTY Request .................. 72 3.6.5 Dropping a Leaf ............................ 72 3.6.6 Party Status Enquiry Procedure .................... 76 3.6.7 Leaf-Initiated Join ........................... 77 3.7 Restart Procedure ................................ 82 3.8 Interface to the SAAL .............................. 85 3.9 Exception Handling ............................... 88 3.10 The Structure of a UN1 Protocol Instance ................... 94 4 ATM Addresses ................................... 99 4.1 The semantics of Addresses ........................... 99 4.2 Called and Calling Party Numbers ....................... 99 4.3 AESA: ATM End System Address ....................... 102 4.4 Native E . 164 Addresses ............................. 105 4.5 ATM Anycast .................................. 105 4.6 Address Aggregation .............................. 106 4.7 Summary .................................... 108 5 SAAL: Signalling ATM Adaptation Layer .................... 109 5.1 SSCOP: Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol ............ 110 5.1 .l SSCOP Interfaces ............................ 113 5.1.2 Message Types ............................. 114 5.1.3 State Variables ............................. 114 5.1.4 Connection Establishment ....................... 116 5.1.5 Connection Tear-down ......................... 121 5.1.6 Assured Data Transfer and Keep-Alive ................ 122 5.1.7 Flow Control .............................. 130 5.1.8 Recovery from Protocol Errors ..................... 133 5.1.9 Resynchronisation ........................... 135 5.1.10 Unassured Data Transfer ........................ 137 5.1.1 1 Message Retrieval and Buffer Management .............. 138 CONTENTS vii .................... 141 5.1.12 Interface to Layer Management 5.2 SSCF UNI: Service Specific Coordination Function at the UN1 ........ 143 5.3 SSCF NNI: Service Specific CoordinationFunction at theNNI ........ 144 5.4 Summary .................................... 149 6 PNNI: Private Network Node Interface ...................... 151 6.1 Introduction ................................... 151 6.1.1 Introduction to the PNNI Routing Protocol .............. 151 6.1.2 Introduction to the PNNI Signalling Protocol ............. 153 6.2 Routing Protocol ................................ 153 6.2.1 Addressing ............................... 153 6.2.2 Logical Links .............................. 155 6.2.3 PNNI Routing Control Channels .................... 155 6.2.4 Identifiers and Indicators ........................ 156 6.2.5 Hello Protocol ............................. 158 6.2.6 Database Synchronisation ....................... 162 6.2.7 Topology Description and Distribution ................. 165 6.2.8 Advertising and Summarising Reachable Addresses ......... 166 6.2.9 Flooding ................................ 167 6.2.10 Hierarchy ................................ 167 6.2.1 1 Communication Examples ....................... 167 6.3 Signalling Protocol ............................... 188 6.3.1 Communication Examples ....................... 190 6.4 Summary .................................... 198 7 ILMI: Integrated Local Management Interface ................. 199 7.1 Introduction to ILMI .............................. 199 7.2 The ILMI Protocol ............................... 200 7.3 The ATM Interface MIB ............................ 201 7.3.1 System Information MIB ........................ 201 7.3.2 Link Management MIB ......................... 202 7.3.3 Address Registration MIB ....................... 203 7.4 Automatic Configuration ............................ 203 7.4.1 Automatic Link Configuration ..................... 203 7.4.2 Automatic Address Registration .................... 204 7.5 ILMI Communication Examples ........................ 205 7.5.1 An Unattached ATM End System Interface .............. 206 7.5.2 An Unattached ATM Switch Port ................... 206 7.5.3 An ATM Link is Going Up ....................... 207 7.5.4 An ATM Link is Up (Normal Operation) ............... 212 7.5.5 An ATM Link is Going Down ..................... 212 7.5.6 Addition of an ATM Address Prefix .................. 213 7.5.7 Removal of an ATM Address Prefix .................. 214 7.6 Summary .................................... 215 8 Protocols on Top of ATM Signalling ........................ 217 8.1 Introduction ................................... 217 ... v111 CONTENTS .......................... 217 8.2 CLIP: Classical IP over ATM 8.2.1 Overview ................................ 217 8.2.2 IP PDU Encapsulation ......................... 219 8.2.3 ATMARP: ATM Address Resolution Protocol in CLIP ........ 220 8.3 LANE: LAN Emulation over ATM ....................... 222 8.3.1 Overview ................................ 222 8.3.2 LANE Connections ........................... 223 8.3.3 LEC States ............................... 225 8.3.4 Address Registration .......................... 226 8.3.5 Address Resolution ........................... 227 8.3.6 User Data Transport .......................... 229 8.3.7 Flush Message Protocol ........................ 230 8.3.8 Verify Protocol ............................. 231 8.3.9 Interface to Higher Layer Services ................... 231 8.3.10 Management of a LEC ......................... 232 8.4 Sylvia: A Native ATM Multimedia Application ................ 232 8.5 Summary .................................... 233 Appendix A ITU-T Standards ............................. 235 Appendix B Source Code Availability ......................... 239 B.l Standards .................................... 239 B . 1 .l ATM Forum Standards ......................... 239 B . 1.2 ITU-T Standards ............................ 239 B.1.3 RFCs .................................. 239 B.2 Protocol Tracing Tools ............................. 239 B.3 ATM Protocol SoRware ............................. 240 ........................................ References 241 Index ........................................... 247


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