
时间:2014-03-25 12:48:00
更新时间:2014-03-25 12:48:00
英语作文结尾美句 How to Obtain Success No one would not like to achieve something in this world. Either for comfort or for fame, we all plan to succeed in one way or another. But how can we obtain success? To my mind, we ought to have a strong will before we begin to do anything. Just as the proverb says: “Where there is a will, there is a way”, nothing is impossible for a person with determination. Besides, we must apply our concentrated energy to the task we are doing. Concentrated energy, like constantly dripping water wearing holes in hard rock, will enable us to break down any obstacles. Persistence is also necessary for success. Do not give up no matter what difficulties might be met but stick to the task until we make it. In brief, to obtain success in life, one ought to have the three above mentioned qualities: strong will, concentrated energy and persistence.
